Friday, August 5, 2011

A New Turning Point

I have recently joined the ranks of the unemployed. I guess no one is going to be too surprised. I got the pink slip which says I’m out of a job...but it does remind me to get my breast examined.

It was interesting how it was handled. They brought me into an office and said “We have had to make some hard decisions and we have decided to let you go.” It was a weird way of putting it. However, the fact that they were “letting me go” did confirm my suspicions that they were indeed holding me hostage.

The first few days of unemployment were rather relaxing. I slept in...or rather I tried to sleep in, but my dog was too excited about me being home. She probably thought she was helping when she forced her cold wet nose on my bare thigh while I was still asleep. Let’s face it, once you sit up and scream there is no going back to sleep. So that has become my morning alarm clock and ritual. It consists of me being rudely awakened, getting up and heading for the bathroom while my dog, Lucy does her little “I win!” dance. Damn dog!

I have been contemplating my next steps. I find it difficult to get excited about anything, especially the idea of getting another job. I don’t know if I’m a lousy employee, or if I’ve had a series of crappy employers, or if all workplaces are joyless and oppressive. Most of the people I know are unhappy with their work environment which worries me even more.

I never had a job I hated; I’ve just worked in places where employees were not exactly appreciated. For the most part, with this past group of managers, their admiration for their employees went without saying...seriously never mentioned.

I know that life often brings changes. There are those that have tried to make me feel better by saying things like “when one door closes…another door opens”. For me…it is my refrigerator freezer door where I reach for my two psychotherapists Ben and Jerry (and Cherry Garcia)... and then the world is good again.



  1. Oh I am so sorry to hear about your job but so loving that you are blogging your humor! You have a great talent my friend- keep up the blogging! Seriously, hugs to you and Bruce. You are more than welcome to come visit up this way and bike/ski the Mt Hood area. =] Tami

  2. Thanks Tami. We might take you up on that!
